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Plural architectures in the Basque Country

4 days / 3 nights stay

Over four days, discover the architectural treasures of the Basque Country. Art Nouveau, Art Deco, modernism ... there is something for everyone. An interesting "archi" program!


DAY 1: We start strong!
For your first steps in the Basque Country, San Sebastian welcomes you: what could be better than a tapas dinner!

DAY 2: Tradition and modernity: a nice mix offered by Bilbao.
Bilbao shines with its culture, its architecture and its famous Guggenheim museum of modern and contemporary art. Today you will discover the avant-garde masterpieces of this city.

DAY 3: Stroll
  Bayonnaise & discovery of the coast 
Saturday morning is the rendezvous not to be missed at
  Bayonne market! Take advantage of the artisans and traders while strolling through the typical streets of the city.
The day continues in style with the departure for Biarritz thanks to the new Tram bus.
A stop at the must-see Saint-Jean-de-Luz for a real discovery of the coast.

DAY 4: It's already the end ...
Your departure times will determine this day, but trust us to end in style!
  You will have only one desire: to come back! 

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